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Regional Portals

Regional Tango portals all over the world.

North America



Tango Mendocino
Events, workshops, articles.

San Francisco Tango - SFTango
Events and classes.

Tango addicts, San Diego

Igor Polk San Francisco
Dancing Argentine Tango in San Francisco.


Tango in Colorado
Events, articles, classes.


Yale Tango Club
Created by a group of tango-dancing Yale graduate students in January 2003 as a solution to the common problem of Not Enough Tango Around Here. We're known in the region as a very friendly, young tango community. Organizes free beginners classes for Yale students, postdocs and their significant others. Our classes and workshops with Visiting Celebrity Tango Teachers are a big success. Our DJ also plays at tango venues in New York, Boston and around the Northeast.
Tango Club members go on tango field trips to New York, Boston and Providence.
The Tango Club CD Library is a free resource for members. 


Tampa Tango
Information about Argentine Tango in the Tampa Bay, Florida area. Victor Crichton is a teacher, performer, and organizer of Tango events. He has been involved with our Tango community since its beginning and has been teaching and organizing events continually since 1997.


Tango Evolution, Atlanta
Social club of Argentine Tango dancers from Atlanta, Georgia.

Atlanta Dance World
Resources page for Atlanta, all styles.

Atlanta Tango
Teaches the social version of tango as it is danced in the crowded clubs of Buenos Aires. Inform about weekly tango events in Atlanta and about special events in other US cities. Several times a year, invite master teachers from Buenos Aires and Europe to visit for special workshops.



American Tango Institute
Non-profit organization dedicated to developing educational, social and therapeutic activites based on Argentine tango. Programs are designed to introduce the elements of tango that can enhance the human body by strengthening the core, and enrich the human spirit by inviting dancers to express and share profound human emotions with others. Festivals, Milongas, Classes.

Tango Chicago
Information, practicas, milongas.

Gateway to Tango in Central Illinois and the Midwest. Official website of the Tango Society of Central Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


La Milonguera - Argentinian Tango Club of Purdue
Student organization at Purdue University, W.Lafayette, is devoted to the promotion and enjoyment of everything related to Argentinean Tango. Everyone is welcome.



Baltimore Tango
Baltimore Tango is a non-organized assortment of devotees of close-embrace milonguero-style argentine tango. We're all levels from beginner to fanatic, all types of people and welcome newcomers without forgetting we were there just a short time ago. We've learned we dance with the whole room as well as our partners, and we get to be better tangueros together.  So we host teachers from afar, organize classes, milongas (dance evenings) and weekend festivals of lessons and dancing. And, sporadically, guerilla milongas erupt in warehouses, on piers and in the streets of Baltimore.


Todo Tango, New England
Tango information for Boston, New England, and other locales.

Tango Society of Boston
Incorporated in June 1997 as a Massachusetts non-profit organization dedicated to the support and growth of the Argentine Tango. Within 5 months, it already had 250 members, and the numbers are growing weekly. While there are many facets to the Argentine Tango—the music and the culture being among the most prominent—it is the dance that brings most of us together. Our membership has people from all walks of life, and has probably 20 or more countries represented.


Argentine Tango Detroit
Growing tango community in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Our dancers are warm, friendly and enthusiastic about tango. From beginner to advanced, we welcome you to come and join our activities. There are group classes and milongas each week where you can enjoy the fun and excitement of learning to dance the romantic Argentine Tango while socializing with new friends.

Michigan Argentine Tango Club
Our group consists of students from the University of Michigan and community members from Ann Arbor and surrounding areas, all of whom are very enthusiastic (read crazy...) about the dance.


Tango Society of Minnesota
Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering Argentine Tango in Minnesota.


Tango Rosa, St. Louis
We invite all of you to experience our Tango Dance for we have recreated the Tango ambiance of  Buenos Aires. Out of town visitors are always welcome. Join us whether you dance Tango, watch Tango, or just listen to the Music.

Tango St. Louis


Dedicated to promoting tango in Helena, Montana. It contains workshop information, practica information, technique and other information.


Las Vegas Tango

New Hampshire

New Jersey

Firehouse Tango, New Jersey
We have attracted a diverse group of warm, positive, happy folks who come week after week to dance, socialize, eat and have a great time. Even as our following grows dramatically, we somehow manage to maintain the warm, friendly and intimate environment. 

New York

Albany Tango Society, Albany
dedicated to promoting Argentine Tango in New York's Capital District Area with weekly practicas, classes and monthly milongas.

Celebrate Tango, New York
We organize classes, workshops and exciting social events for the community to learn, explore and move to the rhythms of the passionate culture that is Argentine Tango. We have something for you if you are brand new or already hooked on tango or somewhere in between.

Westchester Tango
Milongas and lessons.

Argentine Tango Lovers of Long Island
Events, pictures, store.

North Carolina

Tangophilia, North Carolina
Classes and events are regularly scheduled in the Raleigh-Durham/Research Triangle area. Special workshops and performances by Tangophilia are also scheduled across North Carolina.



Portland Area Tango
Events, workshops.


Rhode Island

Providence Tango
Events, workshops in Rhode Island.

South Carolina


Tango Houston
Non profit organization formed by dancers dedicated to the education, promotion and development of Argentine Tango in the Houston Area.


Wasatch Tango Club, Salt Lake City
Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Argentine Tango in the Salt Lake City, UT area and beyond. Provides information about Argentine Tango events in the Salt Lake City area. There are classes and practicas (practice sessions) several nights a week, regular and special milongas and Workshops.




Tango Seattle
Tango, Waltz, Swing, Blues, Salsa, Zydeco Dancing at Sonny's.

All Seattle Tango
Eat, breathe, Tango.

Washington D.C.

DC Dancenet
Partner Dancing Site in the Washington, Baltimore, PA, Central VA, areas and beyond. It's a  Free service for Dancers. Dance-News email Updates are in digest form 3 days each week supplying information on local and other Tango events, instruction, studios, places to Dance, competitions, class schedules, Shopping, and more.


Madison Tango Society of Madison
A not-for-profit organization, with goals of expanding the love of tango, encouraging instruction in the Madison area, reaching out to other dance communities, and continuing a positive learning environment for dancers at all levels. Practicas take place every week, where people informally teach each other tango techniques and movements. Monthly milongas are held on the first Saturday of every month with frequent prior tango class. Guest instructors from all over the world plus regular classes with local instructors.


All Vancouver Tango
Supports and publicizes Argentine tango events and activities in Vancouver and surroundings.

Dance Calgary
Classes, events.

Latin America


Buenos Aires Tango
TANGO of Buenos Aires: milongas, teachers, places where to learn how to dance and the tango shows in Buenos Aires. Cultural exhibitions such as Art, literature, theatre, articles and essays connected with Tango. How to make the best tango tour in Buenos Aires.

Tango Shows in Buenos Aires
A guide to the best Argentine tango shows. Read editorial and user-created reviews, compare prices, and book online.


Riotango Brasil
Events, Photos.

Danca de Salao
Portal de Tango no Brasil.

Costa Rica





Tango GRAZioso, Graz
One of the most active Tango Argentino scenes in Austria. Classes for beginners and intermediates, workshops with Argentine maestros and European teachers, concerts and milongas with live music, festivals.


Tango in Belgium and Abroad - tango.be

Tango Argentino in Brussels

Czech Republic

Organizes the teaching of Argentine tango, both regular classes and workshops with foreign masters, organizes milongas and tango concerts. Its goal is to spread and promote this part of Argentine culture amongst Prague and Czech public.



Tango, Finland


Armor Tango
Une association loi 1901 pour la pratique et la diffusion du Tango Argentin sur la Bretagne et le Finistère Sud en particulier.

Bailando Tango
Tango argentin à Nice et présentation des grands orchestres de tango avec extraits musicaux.

Les Temps du Tango
L'association Le Temps du Tango, vous propose ses activités autour du tango argentin, à Paris et en province.

Tango in Lille, France

Tango in Nice - el Gato Tanguero

Tango-Argentin, Paris


AC Tango, Aachen

ArgenTango, Bodensee
Informiert über den Tango im Argentango-Land, der Region Bodensee / westliches Allgäu. Sie finden hier aktuell die regelmäßigen Tanz-Möglichkeiten (Salons), Unterrichtsangebote und Workshops, besondere Veranstaltungen und alle sonstigen Termine für die Szenen in Wangen, Ravensburg, Friedrichshafen, Lindau und
Tanzgelegenheiten in Altshausen, Bad Waldsee und Heiligenberg. Informationen und Links zu anderen Szenen, gedruckten Publikationen, bundesweiten Tanzkalendern, Einkausmöglichkeiten von Tango-Musik runden das Ganze ab.

Bailamos Tango / Milongas in Dresden
Tango courses, Milongas and Photos of Dresden, Germany

Bonn Tango
Auf dieser Seite findet Ihr Informationen zu unseren Kursen und Workshops, sowie zu Tanzgelegenheiten im Raum Bonn/Köln und einige weiterführende Links.

Cayengue, Hamburg
Diese Seite richtet sich an alle am originalen Tango aus Argentinien und Uruguay interessiert sind. Es werden speziell alle Hamburger Ereignisse besonders gewürdigt.

Frauke and Dino's Tango Portal

G-Tango, Gera, Thüringen
Events, articles, pictures.

Rosenheim Tango
Events, classes.

Saludo! Tango Argentino
Informiert über regelmäßige tango salons sowie über tango-bälle.

Siempre Tango, Karlsruhe
Events, classes, newsletter.

Tango Braunschweig / Casa Latina
Workshops, milongas.

Tango Ludwigsburg
Kurse, Tanzabende, Konzerte, Bälle und weitere kulturelle Aktivitäten gehören zum Repertoire von Tango Argentino Ludwigsburg e.V.

Tango München
Milongas, Adressen, Galerie, Forum, Kurse, Workshops, Urlab, Veranstalter.

Tangobücher, Tangokurse, Tango, Show, Gedichte, Literatur, Tangogedichte.

Tangofatal, Braunschweig
Informationen über Tango Argentino in Braunschweig, aktuelle Workshops und Kurse, Tanzveranstaltungen und alle wichtigen Kontakte zur Tangoszene in Braunschweig und zu TANGOfatal.

Informiert als Onlinemagazin aktuell und umfassend zum Thema Tango Argentino für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. Neben einem Serviceteil, in dem wir u.a. regionale Veranstaltungskalender, regionale Tanzpartnerbörsen, Online-Ticketing und eine Festival-Übersicht anbieten, berichten wir in unserem redaktionellen Teil mit Artikeln aus und über die Tango-Community. Zu unserem Portfolio gehört zudem das Online-Portal tangoberlin.de.

Workshops, classes, events, articles.

Tangoseiten Ansbach
Neuigkeiten zum Thema Tango Argentino in den Regionen Ansbach, Dortmund (Tango Benyi) und Nürnberg (Tangoschmiede). Zudem allerlei Informationen und Links zum Thema Tango Argentino.

Tango-Werkstatt, Regensburg
Eine kulturelle Einrichtung zur Förderung des argentinischen Tangos.

Dance Portal in Karlsruhe, all styles.

Typisch Tango
Gegründet im Jahr 1996, organisiert der Tango Argentino e.V. Erfurt regelmäßige Tanzabende, Konzerte und Tanzbälle mit teilweise über 100 Besuchern (Auftritt von Lidia Borda am 14. Juni 2005 im Johannes-Lang-Haus). Provides information about events, courses and a lot more about Argentine Tango in the city of Erfurt (Thuringia) in Germany. Site is in German.



Milonga, Hungary


Tango Club Reykjavik, Iceland


Tango Fever
Compadrito Tango was born in Ireland with the intent of offering people the opportunity to learn and dance Tango through a variety of event such as classes, milongas, workshops, festivals and more. We work with a group of international dancers, musicians and actors- all sharing the same passion for Tango- to bring you the best of Tango dance and music. We intend to bring Tango off the stage and make it once again what it was in its origins: a social dance for all in the real Buenos Aires spirit!


Argentino Tango, Italy

Centro del Tango Argentino Astor Piazzola, Tome, Italy - tangoargentino.it

Centro del Tango Argentino, Rome

E Allora Tango, Italy
Associazione Culturale - Mantova

FAI Tango - Italian Tango Association

Padova, Italy - tuttoiltangoapadova

PadovaTango, Padova, Italy

RomaTango (Rome)

Tango Argentino
TangHolidays. Nel sito trovi informazioni circa le Vacanze Tango in Italia, spettacoli, stages e la scuola di Tango a Roma a cura di Carla Maria Paz in collaborazione con riconosciuti maestri Argentini. Trovi inoltre il curriculum del maestro,ballerino e coreografo Argentino Ricardo Luis Gallo, album fotografico di esibizioni e vacanze, forum tangheri e tante altre informazioni utili per gli appassionati di Tango Argentino.

Tango, Italy


Lessons, workshops, events and projects around Argentine Tango and Culture. Argentijnse tango in Utrecht, Nederland en buitenland.


Argentine Tango in Oslo

Bergen Tango



Casa del Tango
In Russian.

Milonga, Russia

Tango in Russia




El Desbande Tango
Events, classes, photos, Barcelona, Spain.


Club Tango
Arrange milongas, workshops, practicas, parties, and other events. We been doing tango events since the early 90´s, and had the honor to have some of the best tangodancers in the world here with Clubtango and Restaurang Pelé. Info about events, classes and milongas.

Tango Buenos Aros, Sweden


Amitango, Lugano

Che Tango, Bern
Der Verein für den Tango Argentino in Bern. Wir sorgen für mindestens eine Tanzgelegenheit pro Woche, die allen Tänzerinnen und Tänzern offensteht. Organisation von Kursen, Workshops, Bällen und Konzerten.

Cumparsita, Region Biel
Informationen für Tangotänzer/Innen, Region Biel  mit Bern Neuchâtel und Fribourg.

Tango Fribourg



Leonardo & Bridget, London - tango-fandango.co.uk

London Tango
Milonga, courses, wine bar.


Hong Kong/China

Tangohk, Hongkong


Tangueros meet for Systematic Practica on every Saturday afternoon at Tango O Nada in Seoul, Republic of Korea since 2001. Facilitator: Michum (Dr. kwon)'s e-mail is ysikwon@hotmail.com for any inquiry of every day Milonga information in South Korea.



Tango in Singapore



Istanbul Tango
Argentine Tango news especially on Istanbul, Turkey (and all of Turkey included). Events, milongas, schools, links and addresses.

Tango in Istanbul


South Africa


A Little Buenosaires, New South Wales
Aims to re-create the atmosphere for people in Sydney to share the true essence of the Tango of Buenos Aires and to bring together friends from all walks of life who share sentimental feelings towards Tango. Experience Tango in Sydney through weekly Tango classes, weekly and monthly Tango milongas, specialty tango workshops and events.

Adelaide Tango Club

Perth Tango Club

Siempre Tango, Adelaide

Sydney Tango

Tango Club of Canberra

Tango Salon Adelaide
Focus on musicality, strong connection and sound technique - fundamental elements of the intimate and elegant social dance of Argentina.

Tasmanian Club de Tango (Hobart)

New Zealand

Argentine Tango in New Zealand